DAVID CRANE is a photojournalist based in Southern California. He has worked for newspapers, magazines and editorial publications for more than 30 years, and has also photographed more than 400 weddings with his artistic documentary style. After purchasing his first camera, a Sears 126 Instamatic, he found that film was too expensive to have developed and printed so he bought a kit and began doing it himself. From the beginning, David was inspired by the work of Barry Edmunds, an award-winning photojournalist at the Flint Journal in Flint, Michigan. He was already working for a local weekly paper while still in high school; however, his parents felt it was important to get a degree. He began at the University of Michigan and later transferred to Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, CA where he received a bachelor's degree in commercial photography.
Immediately upon graduation from Brooks, David quickly cast aside his view camera and returned to photojournalism, taking a job at the Emporia Gazette in Emporia, Kansas. He gradually worked his way back to bright colors of Southern California to join his then-girlfriend Lilia, who was pursuing a career in television, and the pair have made a life-long home there.

"I shoot very simply, usually with a 35mm or 50mm lens on my Leica.  As a photojournalist, my job is to tell an accurate and concise story, as a photographer, I prefer pictures that ask questions, a long standing struggle for my eye and my brain".
Please visit my Tumblr blog at Streetzeiss

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